Saturday, January 13, 2018

Becoming Earth-Worthy: New Moon 1/16

Witnessing with inward, open eyes....
Driven by purpose, meaning, values...
Revealing all that we are,
in plain sight of everybody.

That’s some of what this New Moon cycle on January 16 at 9:16 pm Eastern holds for us.

Here’s the scene: Six planets in Capricorn, Uranus squaring Venus, Sun, Moon and pluto and all planets direct until March 3, 2018. The cycle offers a classical fresh start for this year, a surge in momentum, hits of personal revelation and an all-embracing, earth-loving holding that won’t ever give up on us.

Yes. ALL of us, together. And, with Pluto Septile Neptune, it doesn’t come without an initiatory plunge into our own human capacity for radical growth.

We’re being offered a clear path out of the weeds, revealing the person that lives underneath all that has been habituated in us. If we become ultra receptive to our own nature, we can receive a dose of our own distilled essence and spark a relationship with our inner-hearth fire. This may not necessarily feel cozy. Our human bodies love old patterns and habits. And, this is refreshing. New. Vulnerable. Clear. Transparent.

We are becoming more like nature; realer, truer. Some might say more earth-worthy.

At the full moon on January 31, we can align with the world currents in a whole new way. The part of us that is keyed into issues that serve the future come alive, streaming with fresher ways of relating and creating. We're shaking-off the heavy, thought-forms that diminish true vitality, and being swept into a new stream.

And, if we're not. We're not. We can't always find a new way. The old forms are seductive and so we continue to work them through. No matter what, just remember that it can always open up at key junctures. The fresh air is just a window away. Sometimes we just need to wade through our extra-dose of karma busting. Say YES to Comic relief.

And, this opportunity for radical growth may require a dip down into the dramatic good stuff for all of us, a battle or two that takes us under without a smidgen of awareness, an ally to call on or much to help us get our footing. It isn’t personal. But, make it personal enough to take the step that only you can take to get out of the weeds and onto the greater path opening up.

All hearts on duty.

Thank you to Ellias Lonsdale and Penny Roy-Felbrich whose initiatory language all mused this New Moon report. The first artist is unknown but the second image is by artist Mikeila Borgia.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A Wild Woman Dressed in Domesticated Clothing.

I often feel like a wild woman dressed in domesticated clothing. It is an honor to channel all that I am into forms that can rebuild our societiy, transform our culture and demonstrate new sustainable ways to live free in the world.

Every day I wake up living into a creative and hopeful future that is mentally impossible to conceive but which my heart knows no other way.

The judgement, criticism and relentless hours necessary to stand in my truth are a small price to pay for finding a soulful path that makes my life worth living.

And, my truth:

1. Homeschooling my son feels selfish. He's one of the greatest blessings in my life. One day he will need to rock this world with his own mission and I won't see him much. I am going to be by his side for as long as I can, even if it doesn't look like a picture-perfect homeschool video.

2. Partnering with Mark to source the College of Visionaries and Wizards is growing love and partnership through raw human interaction. It's the real deal every day. While my path of learning mature relating is often found through growing myself beyond immature relating, the traditional teachings of how to discover wholeness through uniting polarities in shared vision is my school of daily life.

3. I am not a martyr. Once in a while my ancestral Grandmothers give me a homeopathic dose of matyrdom to remind me how empowerment really works when I'm less caught in projection. Thank you Grandmothers! I see the self-expression you sacrificed to keep families whole, feed babies and be a sacred vessel of both sides of Venus: Warrior and Lover. Honoring your capacity and skill blows up my modern delusion that what I want is impossible. Thank you! I promise, I will not sacrifice my self-expression or vision in service of another's unconsciously. And, I am committed to being a Mother, Lover, Warrior, Partner, Community Contributor and Priestess. I am going ALL. THE. WAY.

I am a wild woman dressed in domestic clothing.

Don't be fooled by my pretty face. I have reached the bottom of the Underworld. I am ready to face my unconscious parts and welcome them into the heart of the universe that is mine to purify and make whole.

(In honor of the sacred cycle of the Planet Venus. She has entered the Underworld and will be invisible until February 18 when she returns as the Evening Star. As Morning Star March 2017 - until now, she was representing her Warrior side. As Evening Star she represents her Lover side.)

Artwork by Jim Murry

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Tapping the Radiance Beneath the Illusion

At 1:53 AM Eastern December 29th, the final New Moon of 2016 initiated us into a 28-day lunar cycle of synthesizing opposites.

This New Moon connects us with our dispassionate inner witness to see where we're championing human evolution and where we're caught in arrogant, self-inflation. We begin a quest to stop furthering our destructive egocentric patterns and sift thru the debris to find the true path forward. In the process, we have to face the cumulative impact of false paths and misdirection.

The weight of it all won't necessarily hit for two weeks until the Full Moon. During this time, the Capricorn goat-fish is our ally, challenging us to traverse both the surfaces of land and the underground, watery currents within.

Mercury conjunct this New Moon opens a portal through surface illusion to usher us into the world of what really is. There, we see how light shines thru us. And, how we diffuse the brilliance of that authentic light with our endless desire to be someone, to identify with something. In this journey we pass through one threshold after another, where we can offer up our conditioning while recovering bits of innocence, idealism and vision.

Each threshold in the passage asks us to claim something real inside and let go of something false. This is a hard-working cycle, true to a New Moon in Capricorn but, also true to Capricorn, far more mystical and playful than many of us normally allow earth life to be.

As we descend, we must learn to adapt to each new depth, feeling the increased weight as we go. At the Half-moon Waxing on January 5th we reach an evolutionary edge that can strengthen us to sustain the multiple worlds and realities that live beneath the surface illusion.

The Full Moon threshold on January 12 is a catalyst to break out of the eddies of stuck consciousness. A love-blast from Venus-conjunct-Neptune then raises the whole lunar cycle to a higher vibration.

Ask yourself at the Full Moon: Am I more driven by, than alive to, all that is here? Is the future really later?

The veil is thin during this Full Moon. It's a powerful time to affirm the beauty of existence and reinforce whatever growth we claimed at the Half-moon waxing. The sheer force of energy that wants to bust through is apt to take whatever false identifications we've unhinged and clear the remaining debris. The energy is fresh. Impulsive. Rich with possibility. We may discover an entirely new way to unite our highly intentional but tight life-rhythms with our impulse to live looser, be more inclusive, open to spontaneity.

After the full moon, we are bolstered by a clearer connection with purpose and partnership. Venus in 17 Pisces at the Half Moon Waning on January 19 greets us at this threshold. She shares a point of reference for our greater purpose, a collective sensing of what's really going on here, a rarely expressed voice. She nourishes what is possible if we retain our wide-eyed innocence and let go of self-destructive tendencies.

This lunar cycle reminds us that apocalypse and bright futures co-exist just below the surface. Whether we're feeling a surge forward or caught in a dark eddy, the point is to be able to create the space for both without overly identifying with either. We may not clear away every false identity or self-inflated illusion, but we can at least take up the task, synthesize opposites and find paths that lead beyond false limits.

With Heart,

* For those interested in more of the specific astrology behind this report, you can contact me at marcellaeversole at gmail.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Full Moon: Taking the Plunge

This full moon on Oct 16 at 12:23 am Eastern U.S. time aligns with strong themes I see undulating through the lunar currents from now into the New Year.

The invitation:

Can you burrow down deep inside to access life's free, creative impulse?

Is it possible to stop betraying your wholeness in order to support the world's limited version of who you are?

Are we ready to crack through the shell of a false civilization and birth a renaissance of meaning and values?

Leading up to tonight's full moon was the half-moon waxing point in Capricorn. We've been asked to dive through the collective karma of our time and tap the wisdom of the Capricornian Goat-fish, one of the signs that traverses both land and water. The truth of the species' plight spills over into the truth of our individual experience. The plunge is humbling though, when you feel like you are going to die without a breath of air and it's hard to tell the dysfunction of the species from the dysfunction of your own.

Being deeply submerged in the collective currents is a necessary set-up for this lunar cycle. We're not evolutionary babies at this point in history, yet we haven't generated a future story to guide us through the more mature rites of passage we must now achieve. Rather than making the best of a bad situation, we're asked to find a whole new direction, where we can climb a pristine mountain peak of awareness while simultaneously diving down into the stuff we are made of.

Be kind to yourself.


You're not supposed to know how to do this already. If you did, you probably wouldn't be alive right now.

The moon's path over the next three months is geared to soften our attachments to surface identities and allow the wild immediacy of organic life to pour through us. Like the way grass grows after a summer rain, we are living channels for the future. Pure life pulses thru us. It doesn't care if you free yourself by showing up to protect the earth and water at Standing Rock or on a meditation cushion. It just wants to be allowed to come through.

As we open to these regenerative currents, October's full moon in Aries wants us to banish the belief that in relationship, one person can only benefit at the cost of another. That's one of the key karmic shackles we can unbind. The possibility of mutually beneficial relationship is taking hold, and it is a ripe time to meet it. It might be scary, to hold yourself responsible for having your needs met in relationship. It requires us to intimately know ourselves in the deep places.

From the Capricorn half moon to the Aries full moon, earth magic is taking hold of us to help us remove delusions of separation. We can accept the initiation gracefully, even if walking it is awkward and sloppy.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Let It Come Through

The message "Don't let the fire go out!" woke me from my sleep into the mysterious light of the full moon. Watching the clouds blowing past casting shadows, I sat with fear.

This eclipse has had an unusual effect on me, a bit of fear mixed with elation, intensity, movement and calm. Upon waking, I felt my soul reaching out to me through a memory. The force of contact woke me. The power unsettled the part of me that has grown comfortable with my sacred responsibility to raise my son, attached to the simplicity I've very intentionally created.

But, for three nights my nervous system has been overly sensitive. The night of the eclipse, my inner-ear opened with a dull thump followed by a high-pitched tone that cut through my cluttered mind in a way that typically happen when I enter highly charged sacred sites. It reminded me of the drums I began hearing during my first trip to Lake Atitlan. Those drums continued to beat in my head for years, at times, pushing me to an edge of sanity, overwhelmed with fear.

One would think that with all I encountered in the fifteen years since, that the channel between my soul and body would be deeply carved, smoothed from prayer, life, practice and presence. It is not. It remains a mysterious passage, and when direct soul contact happens, the force is so strong and palpable it still overwhelms me. Much like falling in love, merging with myself blasts away all of the illusory identities to make room for something new.

Seven years ago, my teacher motioned me to help a young Mayan priestess who was asked to carry a lit candle from a sacred ceremonial fire at one sacred site, to another sacred site. A hundred medicine men and women from all of the Americas-Abya Yala were boarding the boat that would ferry us across Lake Atitlan to Patziapa, where our ceremony would continue. This ceremony and conference was honoring the "Spirit of the Water". I was among the delegates who traveled from the North, yet were closely linked with the Maya delegation via my teacher Mayan Spiritual Guide OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez.

The young girl held the candle on a plate with a small, glass pillar protecting it. I arrived with a piece of hand woven cloth that I had either been carrying without purpose, or that my teacher handed to me when he instructed me to help her keep the candle lit. During that time, my connection to my teacher was rich with fluidity, my hands and body an extension of his. My understanding of where he stopped and I started was nebulous. However, none of that seemed to matter, then. It was ecstasy to serve. And, in that service, I rejoiced.

The young Mayan priestess had another Mayan helper to one side of her. It became clear that the only way this was going to work is if I stood guard on the other side. Neither of the girls received me with a toothy smile and casual receptivity, but they opened to include me in this effort, sincere and present, taking note I had a cloth and was intent on following through with my instructions. Carefully, as the wind picked up I held the cloth as protection, the three of us walking together down the pier to board the boat.

The task we performed struck a chord in others as they opened a path for us on the crowded boat and cleared three seats where we could care for this flickering light in the increasingly strong winds. It was as if the hope of the world was flickering among our hands, the wind a natural phenomena that would destroy that hope without our persevering attention. The possibility that despite my color of skin and the atrocities that have occurred between our nations, we could all care for this lit ceremonial candle coursed through my veins. The sacred responsibility entrusted to me felt weightless in those moments of ceremony, and so heavy before and after.

As we exited the boat and made our way into the roundhouse, the young Mayan priestess continued the final steps of her journey alone. Still flickering, she placed the candle on the altar, our task complete.

I returned to sit near my teacher knowing that one day this memory would return.

(Mayan Spiritual Guide OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez can be reached via