Thursday, December 29, 2016

Tapping the Radiance Beneath the Illusion

At 1:53 AM Eastern December 29th, the final New Moon of 2016 initiated us into a 28-day lunar cycle of synthesizing opposites.

This New Moon connects us with our dispassionate inner witness to see where we're championing human evolution and where we're caught in arrogant, self-inflation. We begin a quest to stop furthering our destructive egocentric patterns and sift thru the debris to find the true path forward. In the process, we have to face the cumulative impact of false paths and misdirection.

The weight of it all won't necessarily hit for two weeks until the Full Moon. During this time, the Capricorn goat-fish is our ally, challenging us to traverse both the surfaces of land and the underground, watery currents within.

Mercury conjunct this New Moon opens a portal through surface illusion to usher us into the world of what really is. There, we see how light shines thru us. And, how we diffuse the brilliance of that authentic light with our endless desire to be someone, to identify with something. In this journey we pass through one threshold after another, where we can offer up our conditioning while recovering bits of innocence, idealism and vision.

Each threshold in the passage asks us to claim something real inside and let go of something false. This is a hard-working cycle, true to a New Moon in Capricorn but, also true to Capricorn, far more mystical and playful than many of us normally allow earth life to be.

As we descend, we must learn to adapt to each new depth, feeling the increased weight as we go. At the Half-moon Waxing on January 5th we reach an evolutionary edge that can strengthen us to sustain the multiple worlds and realities that live beneath the surface illusion.

The Full Moon threshold on January 12 is a catalyst to break out of the eddies of stuck consciousness. A love-blast from Venus-conjunct-Neptune then raises the whole lunar cycle to a higher vibration.

Ask yourself at the Full Moon: Am I more driven by, than alive to, all that is here? Is the future really later?

The veil is thin during this Full Moon. It's a powerful time to affirm the beauty of existence and reinforce whatever growth we claimed at the Half-moon waxing. The sheer force of energy that wants to bust through is apt to take whatever false identifications we've unhinged and clear the remaining debris. The energy is fresh. Impulsive. Rich with possibility. We may discover an entirely new way to unite our highly intentional but tight life-rhythms with our impulse to live looser, be more inclusive, open to spontaneity.

After the full moon, we are bolstered by a clearer connection with purpose and partnership. Venus in 17 Pisces at the Half Moon Waning on January 19 greets us at this threshold. She shares a point of reference for our greater purpose, a collective sensing of what's really going on here, a rarely expressed voice. She nourishes what is possible if we retain our wide-eyed innocence and let go of self-destructive tendencies.

This lunar cycle reminds us that apocalypse and bright futures co-exist just below the surface. Whether we're feeling a surge forward or caught in a dark eddy, the point is to be able to create the space for both without overly identifying with either. We may not clear away every false identity or self-inflated illusion, but we can at least take up the task, synthesize opposites and find paths that lead beyond false limits.

With Heart,

* For those interested in more of the specific astrology behind this report, you can contact me at marcellaeversole at gmail.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Full Moon: Taking the Plunge

This full moon on Oct 16 at 12:23 am Eastern U.S. time aligns with strong themes I see undulating through the lunar currents from now into the New Year.

The invitation:

Can you burrow down deep inside to access life's free, creative impulse?

Is it possible to stop betraying your wholeness in order to support the world's limited version of who you are?

Are we ready to crack through the shell of a false civilization and birth a renaissance of meaning and values?

Leading up to tonight's full moon was the half-moon waxing point in Capricorn. We've been asked to dive through the collective karma of our time and tap the wisdom of the Capricornian Goat-fish, one of the signs that traverses both land and water. The truth of the species' plight spills over into the truth of our individual experience. The plunge is humbling though, when you feel like you are going to die without a breath of air and it's hard to tell the dysfunction of the species from the dysfunction of your own.

Being deeply submerged in the collective currents is a necessary set-up for this lunar cycle. We're not evolutionary babies at this point in history, yet we haven't generated a future story to guide us through the more mature rites of passage we must now achieve. Rather than making the best of a bad situation, we're asked to find a whole new direction, where we can climb a pristine mountain peak of awareness while simultaneously diving down into the stuff we are made of.

Be kind to yourself.


You're not supposed to know how to do this already. If you did, you probably wouldn't be alive right now.

The moon's path over the next three months is geared to soften our attachments to surface identities and allow the wild immediacy of organic life to pour through us. Like the way grass grows after a summer rain, we are living channels for the future. Pure life pulses thru us. It doesn't care if you free yourself by showing up to protect the earth and water at Standing Rock or on a meditation cushion. It just wants to be allowed to come through.

As we open to these regenerative currents, October's full moon in Aries wants us to banish the belief that in relationship, one person can only benefit at the cost of another. That's one of the key karmic shackles we can unbind. The possibility of mutually beneficial relationship is taking hold, and it is a ripe time to meet it. It might be scary, to hold yourself responsible for having your needs met in relationship. It requires us to intimately know ourselves in the deep places.

From the Capricorn half moon to the Aries full moon, earth magic is taking hold of us to help us remove delusions of separation. We can accept the initiation gracefully, even if walking it is awkward and sloppy.